Proxy Link-Forum

Add-ons Proxy Link-Forum 1.2.1

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Compatible XF Versions
1.4 , 1.5
Visible Branding
Converts link forums into proxies for actual forums, allowing post information, post counts, etc from the destination forum to be visible when viewing the link-forum.

Note; only works as-expected for destinations which are a Forum (not a page or anything else). Does not have much in the way of input validation.

To a front-end user, a link forum can be made nearly indistinguishable to a normal forum.

Performance Impact
This causes 1 extra query if there are link-forums on the forum-list page.

I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade to install this addon.

Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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  1. Proxy Link-Forum 1.2.1

    Require php 5.4+ Enforce XF1.4+ and php 5.4+ requirement Do not multi-count proxied forums for...
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