Updated: [HUGE!] The Analytics module is revamped for Speed, Accurate Data, Better Sorting. Try it out and experience it for yourself. You might want to fetch the data manually once
Added: [HUGE!] Multiple keywords can now be added in the Rank Tracker by separating them with a comma
Added: [NEW!] Pagination in the Rank Tracker tab to improve performance and usability
Improved: Tracked keyword quota is now calculated using a proper method to avoid any mismatch related to the available/used credits
Improved: Duplicate keywords are not added in the keywords tracking list
Improved: Disabled Classic Editor post edit action links for the Rank Math Locations custom post type
Improved: Google Analytics-related elements in the Analytics reports are not shown if Google Analytics is not connected
Improved: Keywords in the single post analytics report are now sorted by impressions
Fixed: Import Schema option was not working on Rank Math Locations custom post type
Fixed: GTIN/MPN (Global Identifier) were not saving for WooCommerce’s variable products
Fixed: Filter by SEO Score was returning unchecked posts in the Site Analytics tab
Fixed: PHP errors related to AdSense module even when the account was not connected
Fixed: KML file was not showing all the locations in the Sitemap on some installations
Fixed: Blank rows were appearing on some installations in the Rank Tracker table
Fixed: A PHP fatal error Cannot use RankMath\Google\Analytics as Analytics appearing on some installations
Fixed: Wrong ‘Edit’ button link in the single-post Analytics report on multisite installations
Fixed: Code validation tab was not showing complete Schema code when trailing slash was removed from the permalink structure or when remove product base option was enabled
Fixed: Movie Schema was not printing above or below the content when using the location option
Fixed: A PHP notice on the Product category archive pages & in the changelog popup
Fixed: Hidden, & No-Indexed Products were appearing in the Sitemap incorrectly
Fixed: The Sitemap index was not showing custom taxonomy archive Sitemap
Fixed: A wrong link in the KML file, linking back to the homepage
Fixed: Local KML file was not showing the data from the Local SEO settings when multiple locations option was disabled
Improved: The Local SEO PRO is more powerful and easy-to-use than ever
Improved: The UX of creating multiple locations is more user-friendly than ever in the RM Location CPT (custom post type)
Improved: Sample Shortcode is shown inside the Local Business Schema type. This Shortcut can add Location data to any editor like Classic, Elementor, Divi, Oxygen, etc.
Improved: The overall speed and security of the plugin
Improved: locations.kml Sitemap is generated automatically when the Local SEO module is enabled, and the geo-coordinates are added
Improved: Multiple locations are also included in the KML file when the Multiple Locations option is enabled
Improved: Disabled Classic editor support for the Multiple Location CPT
Improved: Elementor’s integration with the multi-site network. There is no need to enable the Rank Math & the Elementor plugins network-wide to utilize the Elementor SEO integration
Fixed: Graph line colors were not matching with the filters in some places
Fixed: Schema Shortcode was showing incorrect seo_title & description when used in posts other than the parent post
Fixed: A fatal error when searching a location in the Store Locator block
Fixed: Single page Analytics reports were not working on some installations
Fixed: The Analytics button was not working on individual posts when using the Classic Editor