SearchWP - Instantly Improve Your Site Search

WP Plugins SearchWP - Instantly Improve Your Site Search 4.1.13 + Addons

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SearchWP uses your existing search forms and results template

Search E-commerce Products & Orders
SearchWP instantly integrates with product search for popular e-commerce plugins such as WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, WP E-Commerce, and more.

Custom Field Data (metadata)
Index all content stored as WordPress Custom Fields including content from Advanced Custom Fields, CMB2, and many other popular custom field plugins.

PDF & Document Content
Index content from many document formats such as PDF, Office, plain text, and more.

Unique Visitor Insights
Log searches to find out what your visitors are looking for, and more importantly determine whether they found it.
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Latest updates

  1. SearchWP v4.1.13 + Addons

    v4.1.13 [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using...
  2. SearchWP Plugin v4.1.12 + Addons

    v4.1.12 [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using...
  3. SearchWP v4.1.11 + Addons

    v4.1.11 [IMPORTANT] As of version 4.1 Comments are now a separate Source (if you are using...
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