Shades of Blue

XF2 Style Shades of Blue 2.2.11

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I was informed that the "New" indicator was hard to see, so I made the following changes. It is not necessary to install the latest version, because all you have to do is make the following changes:

Make two color changes in the Styles menu as illustrated here. (#ffffff for Text and #2274ae for Background).


It was reported that the text was not visible when a solution was selected, so I changed the background and text colors to be more visible. I also changed the background color to green to show greater emphasis.
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Reactions: belalgalhom
  • Fixed editor highlighted text foreground and background contrast
  • Fixed accented color to make it readable on some foregrounds and background areas (previously unreadable text)
  • Fixed version numbering
  • A new updated look that adds better shades of blue
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Reactions: belalgalhom
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