This update brings compatibility with the latest Xenforo 2.2.9 and moves all Nulumia themes to use the One-Click Archive import format. From now on, you can download style packages as a single zip file and import directly in your Xenforo backend. This means you will no longer have to manually upload files via FTP, nor import XML files separately!
** Import change using One-Click Archive imports **
Importing styles as zip archives changes the file structure and file location of your styles in Xenforo. This means custom files, such as images and logos, which were placed in the formal styles folder may need to be migrated once you begin using the archive format.
- Framework Changes
- Updated to Xenforo 2.2.3 compatibility, merged all templates
- Various page loading optimizations
- Miscellaneous Improvements
- Various code cleanup and improvements
- Relabeled some custom Style Properties and descriptions
- Optimizations to the PAGE_CONTAINER template
- Improved styling of block filter bars on certain pages
- Fixed a bug where the container element for articles or spaced-apart messages would have a drop shadow during the Floating Content layout
- Fixed a bug where the container element for articles or spaced-apart messages would have a drop shadow during the Floating Content layout
- Reworked the content drop shadow system. Previously, drop shadows for popup elements (menus, overlays, tooltips etc) shared either the same drop shadows as the Content Drop Shadows specified in the [Nulumia] UX Settings group, or were hard-coded via CSS. You will now find a new option to use custom drop shadows for all popup-based elements, allowing for different shadow styles than on-page content. This is helpful when preferring different colors or opacities for shadows between the two.
- You can now enable or disable drop shadows for content elements, and popup elements separately. For example, this allows for disabling content element shadows, but retaining drop shadows for menus and other popup types.
- Cleaned all hard-coded or style property based drop shadows from all elements, to utilize the new system
- Added drop shadows to many elements from third-party addons
- Node List
- Fixed a bug in free themes where node icons would have an incorrect width
- Messages
- Fixed a bug where the "Message spacing" value would affect message lists in unintended pages. This setting now correctly affects the Thread and Conversation View templates only
- Fixed a bug where the online indicator would not display over post author avatars
- Fixed a bug where the post author user fields container would still appear, even when there are no fields to display
- Added matching styling for the post author online indicator in many themes
- Style properties for the message container and mod-selected messages are no longer limited to the Thread View template, but affect all messages elements (including conversations and profile comment elements) throughout Xenforo as should have been the case
- Added improved styling for mod-selected messages in all themes
- Footer
- Fixed a bug where widgets within the footer would have drop shadows
- Addon Related
- Added style compatibility for [MrJinx] Profile Fields Popup and added matching styling for most Nulumia themes
- Added style compatibility for [SyTry] Profile Fields Popup and added matching styling for most Nulumia themes
- Removed or reverted many unnecessary customized templates or style properties, for DragonByte Tech eCommerce, which are no longer needed in favor of the Responsive Product Grids for DragonByte eCommerce addon. This addon is now recommended for all Nulumia themes.
- Improved style compatibility with 8WayRun XenMedio
- Updated customized templates for DragonByte Tech eCommerce to the latest versions
- Moved all DragonByte Tech related style properties and settings from the [Nulumia] Addon Compatibility group to the DragonByte Tech eCommerce group
- Updated customized templates for XFMG and XFRM to latest versions
- Added style compatibility with the [Nulumia] Advanced Sticky Threads Separator addon, added matching styling in most themes (more will be adjusted in future updates)
- Framework Changes
- Updated to Xenforo 2.2.3 compatibility, merged all templates
- Various page loading optimizations
- Miscellaneous Improvements
- Various code cleanup and improvements
- Relabeled some custom Style Properties and descriptions
- Optimizations to the PAGE_CONTAINER template
- Improved styling of block filter bars on certain pages
- Fixed a bug where the container element for articles or spaced-apart messages would have a drop shadow during the Floating Content layout
- Fixed a bug where the container element for articles or spaced-apart messages would have a drop shadow during the Floating Content layout
- Reworked the content drop shadow system. Previously, drop shadows for popup elements (menus, overlays, tooltips etc) shared either the same drop shadows as the Content Drop Shadows specified in the [Nulumia] UX Settings group, or were hard-coded via CSS. You will now find a new option to use custom drop shadows for all popup-based elements, allowing for different shadow styles than on-page content. This is helpful when preferring different colors or opacities for shadows between the two.
- You can now enable or disable drop shadows for content elements, and popup elements separately. For example, this allows for disabling content element shadows, but retaining drop shadows for menus and other popup types.
- Cleaned all hard-coded or style property based drop shadows from all elements, to utilize the new system
- Added drop shadows to many elements from third-party addons
- Node List
- Fixed a bug in free themes where node icons would have an incorrect width
- Messages
- Fixed a bug where the "Message spacing" value would affect message lists in unintended pages. This setting now correctly affects the Thread and Conversation View templates only
- Fixed a bug where the online indicator would not display over post author avatars
- Fixed a bug where the post author user fields container would still appear, even when there are no fields to display
- Added matching styling for the post author online indicator in many themes
- Style properties for the message container and mod-selected messages are no longer limited to the Thread View template, but affect all messages elements (including conversations and profile comment elements) throughout Xenforo as should have been the case
- Added improved styling for mod-selected messages in all themes
- Footer
- Fixed a bug where widgets within the footer would have drop shadows
- Addon Related
- Added style compatibility for [MrJinx] Profile Fields Popup and added matching styling for most Nulumia themes
- Added style compatibility for [SyTry] Profile Fields Popup and added matching styling for most Nulumia themes
- Removed or reverted many unnecessary customized templates or style properties, for DragonByte Tech eCommerce, which are no longer needed in favor of the Responsive Product Grids for DragonByte eCommerce addon. This addon is now recommended for all Nulumia themes.
- Improved style compatibility with 8WayRun XenMedio
- Updated customized templates for DragonByte Tech eCommerce to the latest versions
- Moved all DragonByte Tech related style properties and settings from the [Nulumia] Addon Compatibility group to the DragonByte Tech eCommerce group
- Updated customized templates for XFMG and XFRM to latest versions
- Added style compatibility with the [Nulumia] Advanced Sticky Threads Separator addon, added matching styling in most themes (more will be adjusted in future updates)