- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.5
- Visible Branding
- No
- Export Numbers
- Based On User Group
- Ability to select primary or secondary user group
- Ability to set to contain username and user id next to numbers
- Options
- Options to set the custom user field for number
- Options to set novin payamak's username and password
- Options to list the admins (those who will receive sms in some situations that you set)
- Sms When Money Transferred (bd banking by @xfrocks )
- Sms When Money Purchased (bd banking by @xfrocks )
- Sms When User buy upgrade
- Sms When Receiving Conversation
- Sms When Resetting Password
- Sms When Registration
- Sms When Resource Purchased (commercial resource by bd paygate by @xfrocks - sms to buyer, admins, owner)
- Sms When upgrade expired
- Sms When is going to be expired
- Sms When logged in admin cp
- Sms for two step authentication
- Sms for Donations (Donation add-on by @DragonByte Tech )
- Sms to users who had upgrade but don't have any more
- Sms when credits are lower than x (credits add-on by @DragonByte Tech )
- Send SMS Panel
- Full support of user criteria
- Some placeholders to replace user's name, id, custom fields and even phrases.
- You should register in Novin Payamak and activate you SMS Panel (its free and its dedicated for Iranian) Of course you can get paid services and tools too.
- Then you need to go to API page and activate an API (get Username and Password)