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Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
User/General Features:
- Friends Users can add others as a friend
- Follow/Unfollow Sngine also support following system like Twitter/Facebook
- Real-Time Newsfeed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates
- Share Users can share any public post on Sngine
- Smart Publisher Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links)
- YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media
- Notifications Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you
- Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages
- Privacy users can change their privacy settings anytime
- #Hahtags Post #hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations
- @mention user can mention their friends
- Photos upload images and have them displayed as a gallery.
- Groups Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them.
- Pages Users now can create pages like Facebook.
- Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.
- Mange Blocks Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
- Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles
- Verify Badge Now profile and pages support verify badge
- Unified Search Box Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups
- See More options for a cut long-text post like Facebook
- Retina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone 5 and other iOS devices)
- SuggestionsFriends suggestions (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join