Super Forms - Drag & Drop Form Builder

WP Plugins Super Forms - Drag & Drop Form Builder 4.9.800 + Addons

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Mar 16, 2021 - Version 4.9.800
  • Added: WooCommerce Checkout Add-on option under Super Forms > Settings > WooCommerce Checkout to exclude products the shop so that they can only be ordered via the form
  • Added: WooCommerce Checkout Add-on option under Super Forms > Settings > WooCommerce Checkout to replace the default "Add to cart" section with a specific form
  • Added: Signature Add-on Option to set signature line color
  • Added: Options to define the region and language for the Googla Maps API. This will affect the Google Map element, Address autocomplete and Distance calculation features
  • Added: Option to use {tags} for Time picker settings The time that should appear first in the dropdown list (Minimum Time) and The time that should appear last in the dropdown list (Maximum Time) which makes it possible to retrieve a "manipulated" timestamp which could for instance be set 6 hours in the future based on the current time. This can be used in combination with the Calculator Add-on demo form available here: Dynamic time picker that is always 6 hours in the future
  • Added: New option for column element Align inner elements which allows you to center, left, right align directly inner elements
  • Added: New Retrieve method called Current Page or Post terms for dropdown, radio, checkboxes to retrieve specific taxonomy terms based on the current page/post the form is on
  • Added: Predefined tags {post_term_names_****}, {post_term_slugs_****}, {post_term_ids_****}. This way you can retrieve specific terms based on taxonomy. For instance to retrieve category names of a post you could use {post_term_names_category}
  • Added: When Prevent submitting form when entry title already exists is enabled there is an extra option called Also compare against trashed contact entries which allows you to also check against possible trashed contact entries
  • Added: Calculator Add-on option to use space for Decimal and Thousand seperator under Advanced tab
  • Improved: Add missing escaped attributes
  • Fix: PDF Generator Add-on fix for iPhone specifically, psuedo elements :after, :before not being generated
  • Fix: When using google address autocomplete field, the value was not being displayed on the entry page in the back-end Super Forms > Contact Entry
  • Fix: Signature Add-on Changing signature line thickness not working
  • Fix: Some hosts use a firewall rule that didn't allow to upload files due to it being uploaded inside a folder called uploads and files (uploads/php/files). This is now changed to (u/f) which solves a 403 error returned by the host
  • Fix: JavaScript error when using Google Map in combination with PDF Generator Add-on
  • Fix: Undo code that would speed up form loading time when using a lot of HTML elements with tags, however this code caused issues when using variable fields. Temporarily disabled / undo the code until we find a work-around or alternative
  • Fix: A recent speed improvement in the code caused issues with variable fields that contains more than one {tag} as value. Only the first {tag} would be replaced with a value, skipping any other {tags}.
  • Fix: Arbitrary File Upload to Remote Code Execution
  • Fix: When saving contact entry with default title, make sure there is a space between the entry ID and the title
Feb 26, 2021 - Version 4.9.711
  • Added: Option to use {tags} for Time picker settings The time that should appear first in the dropdown list (Minimum Time) and The time that should appear last in the dropdown list (Maximum Time) which makes it possible to retrieve a "manipulated" timestamp which could for instance be set 6 hours in the future based on the current time
Feb 12, 2021 - Version 4.9.708
  • Added: New Retrieve method called Current Page or Post terms for dropdown, radio, checkboxes to retrieve specific taxonomy terms based on the current page/post the form is on
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