Compatible XF Versions
Visible Branding
Supports extending thread reply bans into full thread-bans, but optionally disabling the following functionality in a thread someone is reply banned from;
  • Edit posts
  • Delete posts
  • React to posts
  • Threadmarks
  • Various User Essentials' "X in own thread" permissions
  • Reply Bans
  • Warnings
  • Thread changes:
    • Editing
    • Deleting
    • Lock/unlock
    • Stick/unstick
    • Create polls
    • Move/merge actions
    • Post friction settings (SV/PostFriction add-on)
    • Thread Collaboration settings (SV/CollaborativeThreads add-on)
Will display if a user is XF banned or reply-banned via a banner on the user's post.
This can be controlled via the option "Display thread reply banned banner on user's posts".
Note; this feature required an additional (cheap) select query.


Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Thread reply ban teeth 2.9.3

    Fix unexpected disabling of functionality when using Collaborative Threads with a banned thread...
  2. Thread reply ban teeth 2.9.2

    When viewing a thread, do not re-fetch the visitor's thread/forum bans again
  3. Thread reply ban teeth 2.9.1

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