Ultimate Member User Locations

WP Plugins Ultimate Member User Locations 1.0.5

Register & Get access to index
= v1.0.5: April 28, 2021 =
* Fixed: Registration and Profile forms handler
* Fixed: Integration with Profile Completeness extension
v1.0.3: December 11, 2020
* Added: OMS( Overlapping Marker Spiderfier ) library for getting visible the clustering markers in the same place
* Added: Error/notices blocks for the location field
* Added: Ability to select map marker icon for role
* Added: Ability to select what markers type to use in member directory
* Added: Distance field based on User Location fields
* Added: Ability to add the Distance field to User Profile meta section
* Added: Ability to show the Distance field on the Member Directory
* Added: Ability to sort by nearby members based on distance and current user geolocation
* Added: [um_user_locations_map] shortcode
* Fixed: Getting bounds on the first member directory page loading (not default starting lat/lng/zoom)
* Fixed: Getting bounds on the first member directory page loading (Show results after search and searched by location. Added timeout for setting bound for invisible map)
* Fixed: Uninstall process
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