-feature: added "box shadow" attribute type
-feature: added url_posts and num_posts to users output
-bug fix: load js include file in editor even if no js code
-feature: added option for selector 2 and selector 3 in several attributes
-feature: added copy / paste attributes sections in widget editor
-bug fix: fixed some php notice with exclude terms posts selection
-bug fix: fixed small bug in getListingItemData function with no object returned
-feature: added option for get default object to getListingItemData function
-feature: added support for wpml site language inside a widget
-bug fix: fixed post selection manual select no posts shown at init
-bug fix: fixed bug when private posts not fetched on manual posts selection
-feature: added acf image and thumbnails widths and heights to placeholders list
-change: updated codemirror to latest version, added code search feature
-change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.2