vBulletin Connect Released

Releases vBulletin Connect Released 5.7.4

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The new version of vBulletin v5.5.0 Connect with many changes, including: changes in typography and fonts (scaling, ability to maintain relative font sizes and font size inheritance), style changes, style variable editor has been improved and previously known bugs fixed.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. vBulletin Connect 5.7.4 is now available

    vBulletin 5.7.4 Changes and Updates vBulletin Connect 5.7.4 is now available to download...
  2. vBulletin Connect 5.7.3 is now available for download

    vBulletin 5.7.3 Changes and Updates vBulletin Connect 5.7.3 is now available to download...
  3. 5.6.4 Patch Level 1

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