- vBulletin Versions
- 4.2
This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to hide their content.
- Fully Compatible with Source and Wysiwyg Editor.
- No Template or File Edits. (optional - one file edit if you have rss enabled)
- Uses vBulletin easy Product installer/updater/uninstaller
- Uses AJAX technology so your users don't have to refresh to see hidden content.
- Content within Tags are completely hidden, there is no way to bypass hide tags. Contents are hidden everywhere including
- Showthread
- Threadbit
- Archive
- Search
- Subscribed Threads in USERCP
- Print Page
- Meta Description
- Quote
- Usergroup permissions for each tag, including option to select usergroups which can always see Hidden Content.
- Global and Per-Forum Basis vBulletin settings for each tag.
- Option to turn on Hide Button's in quick reply and quick edit Editor.
- Uses Phrases
- Dialog Box for selecting Usergroup's when user clicks [SHOWTOGROUPS] Tag.