Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress

WP Plugins Web 2.0 Directory plugin for WordPress 2.7.6 Nulled

Register & Get access to index
v2.7.6 - May 10, 2021
- new shortcode: [webdirectory-page-title]
- improvement: 'hide_listings' parameter in listings shortcode to hide listings on load before search
- bug fix: noindex meta enabled in Yoast SEO plugin in Imitation mode
- bug fix: [webdirectory-listings] shortcode 'order_by' parameter did not follow on search
* improvement: custom post type pages used now
* bug fix: PDFmyURL service URL repaired
* bug fix: wrong CSS in grid columns on iPad
* improvement: MapBox geolocation service follows language
* improvement: WooCommerce Subscriptions updated to fit new listings level subscription on listings upgrades
* improvement: display sibling categories and locations when current term does not have neither children, nor listings
* bug fix: removed wrong opengraph tags of the SEO plugin
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