Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro

WP Plugins Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro 5.17.2

Register & Get access to index
v5.16.6 – 28 January 2021
  • Fixed: Security issue
v5.16.5 – 27 January 2021

- Added: A feature to filter the events by local time
- Added: Express connection method to Stripe Connect Gateway (pro)
- Added: Some placeholders to the notification templates
- Added: Some options to manage grid slider in the widget
- Added: New positions for currencies
- Added: Event name to the Stripe payments (pro)
- Added: A location and other location description options
- Improved: Backend speed
- Fixed: Loading new events on load more button
- Fixed: Importing events with finish dates from Google into MEC
- Fixed: Importing google events when some of the occurrences are removed
- Fixed: Loading MEC contents
- Fixed: Duplicating events
- Fixed: Providing discount per user role (pro)
- Fixed: An issue regarding the booking reminder notification (pro)
- Fixed: Stopped sales tickets (pro)
- Fixed: Shortcode search-bar styling
- Fixed: Booking shortcode styling(pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in date display
v5.16.2 – 15 January 2021
- Fixed: No event found issue in special conditions

v5.16.1 – 13 January 2021
- Fixed: No event found issue

v5.16.0 – 13 January 2021
- Added: PaidMembership Pro integration (pro)
- Added: Event Cost search option with min and max fields (pro)
- Added: Multiple Category Search to the filter options
- Added: An option to change event visibility and hide them in shortcodes
- Added: Ability to sort bookings by Event ID (pro)
- Added: Two new “After Add to Cart” methods to provide optional link and message to the booker user (pro)
- Added: An ongoing label for ongoing events
- Added: A new column in backend events list to show the count of all sales (pro)
- Fixed: An issue on required fields of “Frontend Submission”
- Fixed: An issue on showing all day ongoing events
- Fixed: An issue on “Total User Booking” field in “Frontend Submission” (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in month filter
- Fixed: An issue in carousel skin
- Fixed: An issue in validation of WC payment (pro)
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