2021-02-24 - v1.15.36
* Fix - Dev - Fix unit testing infrastructure and make it compatible with PHP 8.
* Fix - Fix the JS error when displaying the booking detail in Calendar > Day view.
* Fix - Register menu items with WC Navigation.
* Fix - WC no longer uses SemVer, so update to support L-2 version of WC.
* Tweak - WC 5.0 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.6 compatibility
2021-01-26 - v1.15.35
  • Fix - Dev: Add new hook `woocommerce_booking_status_changed` with status values as arguments
2021-01-18 - v1.15.34

* Fix - Fix: Prevent critical errors by passing correct number of args to `woocommerce_email_header` in email templates.
* Tweak - WC 4.9 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.6 compatibility.
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