WooCommerce Upload Files by vanquish

WP Plugins WooCommerce Upload Files by vanquish 71.8

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WooCommerce Upload Files NULLED. Upload any file of any size from the product, cart, checkout, thank you, and/or order details pages! Preview images, add additional costs, fees, and many more options!


The customer will be able to upload one or more files from the Product page, Order Detail page, and/or during the checkout process according to the purchased items …all done using visual progress bars! All the uploads will be bounded to the order and optionally to specific products

Shop admin will find these uploads directly on the backend Order detail page or as an optional feature they can be sent to the shop admin email address.

Note: The plugin supports only native WooCommerce product types (simple and variable), it doesn’t have any support for custom product types implemented by 3rd paty plugins.


It’s very simple! To configure a new upload field go to Upload files Configurator menu and add a new Upload field.

This will create one upload field for every matching product (and optionally also for every single variant according to some restrictions in case of Product page) displayed in the selected pages!
Furthermore, for a more deep customization, is also possible to specify some other options like:
  1. Field title
  2. HTML/CSS description
  3. HTML/CSS text showed after the upload has been completed (it’s also possible to use some special shortcodes to display file list with image/audio preview)
  4. max uploadable file size
First release
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Latest updates

  1. WooCommerce Upload Files v71.8

    = 71.8 - 30.03.23 = * Fixed an issue related to image preview on the Order details page
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