v1.12.0 - 2021-01-26
* NEW - Allow to filter the list of users
* NEW - Add support for admin2020 plugin
* NEW - Stateful navigation
* CHANGE - Improve the hide elements tool
* CHANGE - Don't load the global page feature if the global dashboard feature is activated
* CHANGE - Don't show gutenberg as full screen mode by default
* CHANGE - Improve oxygen compatibility
* CHANGE - Improve the loading indicator
* CHANGE - Improve the css selector generator
* CHANGE - Add minimum_height parameter to shortcode [vg_display_admin_page] that accepts a number of pixels
* CHANGE - Simplify the configuration of the elementor templates
* CHANGE - Improve the text editor tool
* FIX - Sometimes the admin content has wrong height when using multiple instances on the same page
* FIX - Sometimes post fields are not saved when using the redirect option
* FIX - Wrong position of the loading indicator
* FIX - Add support for main sites that use subdomains
* FIX - Live text edit doesn't support german characters
* FIX - Prevent errors when user belongs to zero sites in a network
* FIX - Add compatibility with the Pro and X themes
* FIX - Login redirect issue on rare scenarios
* FIX - Prevent errors when we view a draft page or site doesn't use permalinks
* FIX - Prevent errors when other plugins use exit() in their admin pages
* FIX - redirect_to parameter not working correctly in the log out shortcodes when using custom redirect URLs
* FIX - Compatibility issue with Local by Flywheel
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