You can assign specific column to specific group if you selected multiple type group for mega menu. This plugin includes both horizontal as well as vertical mega menu, it is a built in visual mega menu builder plugin with features to display menu as flyout or megamenu type with orientation as vertical or horizontal type.
Total of 14 Pre-Available beautifully designed skins and you can customize your menu bar with multiple customization options creating your own custom templates. Configure Menu wise settings from admin navigation page.
- Mega Menu/ Fly-out 14 Free Beautiful Colored Skins or Custom Design
- 14 Pre available custom widgets with different layout
- Single/Multiple Group Mega Menu Type
- Supports Flyout or Mega Menu sub-menu styles
- Widgetized Mega Menu with Visual Builder Drag and Drop Position Method
- Horizontal and Vertical Menus
- 5 Available Inbuilt Menu Icons / Custom Icons
- 650+ Font Awesome Icons
- 120+ Genericons
- 160+ Dash Icons
- 400+ IcoMoon
- 40+ Line Icons
- Top/ Bottom Section for Mega Menu
- Unlimited Custom Item Styling
- Advanced Menu Items(Horizontal/Vertical Tabbed) with trigger effect and different animation.
- Menu Label Animation
- Upload Background Image
- Menu Replacement Settings
- Login Type
- Register Type
- Search Type
- Popup Form Type
- Mega Menu Type
- Inline Type
- Woocommerce Cart Total
- Logo Image
- Roles and restriction
- Enable Sticky Mega Menu
- Custom CSS
- Translation Ready & Fully Responsive
- Tested on all modern browsers
- Touch Friendly and Search Engine Optimized