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The WP Smush Pro NULLED plugin allows you to compress images as much as possible through the WordPress manager.

The plugin offers:
  • сompress images by removing metadata from files with the Jpeg extension;
  • optimization of data compression in the file;
  • turning Gif files into indexed PNGs;
  • size saving is also achieved by stripping unused colors from indexed images.
A simple but effective way to compress images that will be relevant for any site.

This means, that space on hard drive is saved, the site will work with a much lower load time, especially in cases where it stores a huge number of images.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. WP Smush Pro 3.14.2 NULLED

    - Fix: Media library scanner not identifying some MariaDB versions correctly - Improvement: Code...
  2. Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.8.3 Nulled

    v3.8.3 ( 2021-02-10 ) - Enhance: Allow local WebP on WPMU DEV staging sites - Enhance: Display...
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