WPForms Pro - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin

WP Plugins WPForms Pro - Drag & Drop WordPress Forms Plugin 1.7.0

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[1.7.0] - 2021-10-05
### Added
- New field - Rich Text.
- Uncanny Automator integration.
- New filters to programmatically hide certain field values from the Entry Preview output.

### Changed
- The "Back to All Entries" link is replaced on the "Back to Entry" on the Edit Entry page.
- Improved form builder education: install and activate payment addons without leaving the form builder.
- Updated jQuery Validation library to v1.9.3.

### Fixed
- Incorrect handling of language files downloads when the plugin is activated, or site language is changed.
- Page Break: disabling the Previous button does not work.
- Alignment for admin notification counter.
- Keyboard does not focus on a numeric keyboard on mobile devices with the US-format Phone field.
- Placeholder styling issue in Modern Multiple Dropdown field that is Conditionally Shown.
- Ability to delete uploaded files on the Edit Entry page.
- Javascript error in Elementor page builder.
- Embedded forms into global sidebar report about an error in the Divi page builder.
- Change settings were not applied for a Duplicated Modern Dropdown field.
- Do not allow Entry editing when a form template is changed on the Blank Form.
- PHP fatal error generated on some installs when spawning cron as an unauthenticated user.
- Form fields not displaying full width on mobile devices with Base form styling selected.
[] - 2021-02-23

- Incorrect validation in the Single Item field with 'user defined' type and 'required' status when paying in thousands.
- PHP notice while exporting a form template with no form fields.
- On certain WordPress/server configurations there could be an error while trying to automatically download the translations.
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