XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration

Add-ons XFtoWP - XenForo to WordPress integration 1.5 Release Candidate 2

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Does this plugin work on WordPress.com?
XFtoWP is a premium plugin file that can be installed to self-hosted WordPress installations. If you use the free WordPress.com hosting for your blog you will not be able to use XFtoWP.

How many websites can I use XFtoWP on?
Purchase XFtoWP once and you can use the plugin on as many sites as you want, no questions asked.

Does XFtoWP get updates?
Yes, this plugin is actively maintained for new features, improvements, and bug fixes. One-click updates are only sent to licensed sites and you can purchase more site activations by contacting Alex.

How does XFtoWP get forum data?
The XFtoWP plugin uses the XenForo API (version 2.2 minimum required) to push and pull relevant data from your forum. Before a user ever hits your website most data will have already been cached to your database ensuring there are no unnecessary requests made that may interfere with either site's performance. Data from any connected forum replies will only refresh according to your Refresh interval settings with an asynchronous frontend request, meaning nobody will ever feel your website fetching the latest data from your forum.

About the author + credits
The XFtoWP plugin is written and maintained by Alex Mangini, author of the Marketers Delight WordPress theme and other products. For over 10 years I have been a freelancer and product creator, and my origins in web development started by modding vBulletin forums as far back as 2007.
I have always used forums to support my products and until now there has never been a reliable way to connect my forums and website together. As soon as I purchased an XF license in 2020 I knew I had to make this plugin a reality, and all these months later I am excited to finally be able to share this plugin with all of you in the XF community!

What you see in version 1.0 is only the tip of the iceberg of what this plugin can do. As I rely on XFtoWP for my own businesses, I have just as much of an interest in making and keeping this plugin great, and I look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing how you use XFtoWP on your own websites too!
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