- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.2
- Visible Branding
- Yes
This add-on has been developed with the intention of enhancing the XenForo Resource Manager add-on visually and providing ease of use.
Also it allows you to customize the standard resource manager pages of XenForo.
In addition, the style structure has the ability to edit the relevant fields you want to change easily through the panel without any coding to customize it.
As you known, XenForo supports the square or circle picture format since 1.x versions. If we want to change the thumbnail size of resource icon on the resources owerview, thumbnails structure are deteriorates.
But if you have a Resource Pages add-on you can solve this problem in a very simple way and customize your resource pages as you wish.
As you see the picture is below, it is possible to set resource icon images to your desired size.
- It adds a price ribbon for your paid resources.
- You may enable or disable any resource extra info elements under the resource icon.
- The sidebar comes as sticky.
- It adds a resource owner section with author avatar.
- Attached images are now with carousel slider, In this way, a very fast viewing facility offers comfortable ease of use.
Note: Please do not install the add-on, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.2.x +.