Block From Downloading My Files

IPS Suite Block From Downloading My Files 1.1.0

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Haim submitted a new resource:

Block From Downloading My Files - Block From Downloading My Files

This plugin will allow your members to block other members from downloading their files with in the IPS DOWNLOADS app


  • This will add another tab in the users settings panel allowing them to choose members and block their chosen members from downloading their files
  • If you have IP Commerce installed and paid files in the downloads it will also block them from buying their files
  • Members can also select certain user groups to block from downloading their files...

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Hey Haim, can you by chance leak the Forms 1.4.6 for IPS? I have the old one but there is no submission page and you cannot manage the applications that are submitted.
The latest version is hard to get, I don't promise anything, but in any case, please send me a private message with an up-to-date link to the plugin
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