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Xenforo lets us limit the filesize of member uploads, and also lets you limit the resolution of images uploaded (so anything above xyz pixels will be resized).
On one of my sites I have the max attachment size set to 10mb and the filesize set to 1,500 x 1,000, so anything larger than that gets resized.This means that most of the huge images that members upload are resized to about 500 kb or less. Obviously this has pros (reduces total HD usage) and cons (reduces image resolution), so I'm...
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On one of my sites I have the max attachment size set to 10mb and the filesize set to 1,500 x 1,000, so anything larger than that gets resized.This means that most of the huge images that members upload are resized to about 500 kb or less. Obviously this has pros (reduces total HD usage) and cons (reduces image resolution), so I'm...
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