Exclusive Dark

XF Style Exclusive Dark 2.2.13

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Loyal Member
Is it because I wrote the facts?
I think no. That might not be the fact. How you react and your attitude might be the cause. First of all, we, who are downloading the resources from here, should keep it in our mind that we are getting, not the template, but the solution for FREE. You can get the template from anywhere else, but the support you are getting and you can get from this forum, is in-valuable, because to get any support from either Xenforo team or the template / plugin author will cost you and you, either don't want to or can't afford to bear that cost, for which you are here. So, when you reporting an error, or submitting some request, be humble. You should say this,
You may check the all templates!
<template title="conversation_view" type="public" addon_id="XF" version_id="2020032" version_string="2.2.0 Beta 2">
like this,
I got this strange line
<template title="conversation_view" type="public" addon_id="XF" version_id="2020032" version_string="2.2.0 Beta 2">
in '<name of the template>' template. I can't understand. Can you please check and let me know what it is?
Don't show off. Showing off doesn't pay and understand this, that there are bigger players than you in the game. Even Einstein once said, "I only collected the stones on the beach. The ocean of knowledge is still beyond my reach." I am sure, you and I are not as brilliant as Einstein. Do we? :)
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