Do you want to delete?not working bro
.button.button--cta, a.button.button--cta {
color: #182988;
.button.button--cta {display: none;}
.p-footer-copyright {
display: none;
@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveWide)
display: none;
not working brothat is the button you are looking for in your extra.less themes searching this .button.button--cta and delete after add this code
Code:.button.button--cta, a.button.button--cta { color: #182988; }
this for hidden
Code:[data-template="forum_list"] .button.button--cta {display: none;}
this for hidden copyright
Code:.p-footer-copyright { display: none; }
this for hidden sidebar for mobile devices
Code:@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveWide) { .p-body-sidebar { display: none; } }
Do you want to delete?not working bro