Support How to reduce the database size of Xenforo?


Loyal Member
Hi friends!
I am using Xenforo 2.2.4. I tried to upload my site to my web server but the problem is the 'maximum database import size' is 50MB and my forum's database size is 53MB. So I am unable to upload the database to my server. How can I reduce the size of database without reducing its functionality? I searched internet and found that some people advised to disable the 'BB_code cache output', but I couldn't find it? Though some people asked to do it but some complained that it did not do anything. Please advise me how to reduce my forum's database size. Please help me. I know only you people can help me.


Loyal Member

You need to set the value of upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in your php.ini :

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M

; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 40M


Loyal Member
I know. But as I have uploaded it to my live server (here is my post about it: My forum Rabibashoriyo ) and as it is a shared hosting, I cannot increase that limit and the host will not increase it in shared server. But what I did, when I was exporting the database, I choose Zip compression and it compressed to 4.9MB 😲 and the problem was solved. :)


Loyal Member
I know. But as I have uploaded it to my live server (here is my post about it: My forum Rabibashoriyo ) and as it is a shared hosting, I cannot increase that limit and the host will not increase it in shared server. But what I did, when I was exporting the database, I choose Zip compression and it compressed to 4.9MB 😲 and the problem was solved. :)
Just from my own experience, most of time database compression fails, importing it in future might be a real headache and might be a corrupted database.
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    database xenforo 2.2.4
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