Support How to share posts in Facebook?


Loyal Member
Hi friends!
I have a forum and I want to share my posts to my forum's Facebook page. But that seems a problem to me. When I go to Admin > Connected accounts > Facebook, it is asking the 'App ID' and 'App Secret'. So, I went to '' and started to create an app. But, it seems that i need some guidance here on how to create a functioning app on Facebook.
Here are the screenshots of the steps I have taken:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Now, I am stuck here. I have now two questions:
  1. Was my selection on 'Step 2' correct? If not, then guide me please.
  2. If the selection was correct, please guide me from 'Step 4'.
I know I will be able to solve this problem, again with your help. Please help me.
Thanks in advance. 🤗
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