[RSS Feed/News] if_entered_url_to_forum_not_contain_id_change_breaks_urls phrase

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Super nitpicky, but the way the phrase is used, it's talking about nodes, not necessarily forums.

if_entered_url_to_forum_not_contain_id_change_breaks_urls said:
if_entered_url_to_forum_not_contain_id_change_breaks_urls said:
If entered, the URL to this forum will not contain an ID. Use a-z, 0-9, _, and - characters only. Note that once specified, changing this value will cause URLs to be broken.
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It's used when you add a new node. I noticed it while creating some new node type options (that are most definitely nothing related to forums).

Digging a little further, the same phrase is used for other non-forum...

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