Support Images displayed on Thread hover


Loyal Member
This is more of a question, rather than a request. Although it would be great if it exist.

I am trying to find out if there is a plugin that allows you to hover over the Thread title, and if there are images within the post, it will display either the 1st or last [x] amount rather than clicking on the thread to see the actual post. I know it exist for VB, but I've not seen it for XF. Not sure if you guys know what I'm referring to, but I can try and find a site that uses it to show exactly what I mean.




Loyal Member
Don't have an online version?
Unfortunately I don't. That image was from a year or so ago. I always kept the screenshot. I know I saw another website that had it, but I will check my older bookmarks to see if I can locate it. It would be an awesome feature though. :D
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