Password Tools

Add-ons Password Tools 3.11.1

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XenForo submitted a new resource:

Password Tools - Cause safer passwords are better passwords

This modification mostly follows the principles of Dan Wheelers password strength estimator zxcvbn. It does not weight password strength by their combination of upper/lower letters, special characters and numbers, but on how easy they are to crack in reality.

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XenForo updated Password Tools with a new update entry:

3.5.0 - Feature update

  • Force global namespace for functions which are known to be optimizable to bytecode in php, or known global functions to avoid a current namespace lookup for the function.
  • Add "On login; alert the user if they have a known compromised password" option (default enabled)
  • Add "Minimum time between triggering compromised password alerts on login" option (default 24 hours)

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  • #4
XenForo updated Password Tools with a new update entry:

3.6.1 - Feature update

Thanks to @NamePros for sponsoring this update.
  • Update compromised password alert text to be less awkward
  • On updating passwords, remove any compromised password alerts to avoid user confusion
  • Add "Force email two factor authentication on compromised password" option (default disabled)
  • Add "Pwned password minimum count (soft)" option.
    This allows a user to change a password to a known compromised value which is under a given number of known hits. This still generates...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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    download password tools 3.7.5 password tools 2.7.3 password tools 2.7.4 password tools 3.10.0 password tools 3.10.1 password tools 3.11.1 password tools 3.5.0 password tools 3.6.1 password tools 3.6.2 password tools 3.6.3 password tools 3.6.4 password tools 3.7.1 password tools 3.7.5 password tools 3.9.0 xenforo password tools 3.7.5 افزونه ایحاد رمز در زنفورو افزونه رمزهای حرفه ای در زنفورو دانلود افزونه ایجاد رمز در زنفورو پشتیبانی زنفورو فارسی
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