Referral Contests 2 by Siropu

Add-ons Referral Contests 2 by Siropu 2.3.1

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XenForo updated Referral Contests 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

New features, Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added option to display top referrers widget (all time or monthly via widget settings).
Added option to enable guest message for guests that have been referred/invited by a member.
Added option to enable referrer field on registration page.
Added option to set an expiration date for invitations.
Added admin option to set custom expiration date for manually generated invitations.
Added admin option to generate invitations for a different user.
Users can now send email invitations without...

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  • Thread starter
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  • #4
XenForo updated Referral Contests 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added spam cleaner options to remove referrer and referrals. Requires the new user group permission "Use the spam cleaner to remove referrer/referrals".
Added admin option to select user groups when creating invitations from ACP. The registered user will be added to those groups upon registration.

Bugs Fixed
Issue with invitation code autocomplete on registration page where the field gets cleared up when you try to manually paste the invitation code.

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    add ons referral contests 2 by siropu xenforo download referral contests 2 by siropu free add ons referral contests 2 by siropu free referral contests 2 by siropu nulled add ons referral contests 2 by siropu paid add ons referral contests 2 by siropu paid referral contests 2 by siropu referral contests 2 by siropu referral contests 2 by siropu 2.1.0 referral contests 2 by siropu 2.1.4 referral contests 2 by siropu 2.2.3 referral contests 2 by siropu 2.2.7 referral contests 2 by siropu 2.2.9 referral contests 2 by siropu 2.3.1 referral contests 2 by siropu xenforo xenforo add ons referral contests 2 by siropu xenforo referral contests 2 by siropu انجمن های پشتیبانی زنفورو دانلود افزونه های زنفورو دانلود افزونه های پولی زنفورو
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