XenForo 2.2.13 Released Full Nulled By XnForo.Ir

Releases XenForo 2.2.13 Released Full Nulled By XnForo.Ir 2.2.13

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This version has a critical bug. The newly added email oauth provider Microsoft Azure AD, which strictly needs to NOT CONTAIN query string in callback uri, is not compatible with the xenforo admin canonical system. The later uses this in the email controller plugin backend:
This can only generate a link which looks like "https://mysite.com/admin.php?misc/..." at last, which contains a '?', which cannot be used when XenForo is validating&communicating with Microsoft. Then there will be an error telling you the link "https://mysite.com/admin.php?misc/..." is not the same as what you've previously set in AD Directory, the one without a query symbol "?".
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