XF2 [8WR] Database Backup

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Loyal Member
I am trying to figure out why this isn't backing up my DB. It creates a _metadata.txt file in the data folder, but it does not backup the MySQL DB. I am still testing locally, but that shouldn't be an issue. Maybe I am doing something wrong? All I see inside the file is the following:
{"runtime":1618180681,"inactive":"1","directory":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\internal_data\\backups\\2021-04-11","mysql":{"database":"test","enable":"1","output":"single","shrink":"none","split":"0","options":"--single-transaction --verbose --default-character-set=utf8mb4"},"files":{"enable":"0","shrink":"none","split":"0","options":"--exclude='internal_data\/backups'"},"events":[[0,"EWRbackup_event_starting"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_closing_forum"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_starting_mysql"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_finishing_mysql"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_opening_forum"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_finishing"]],"endtime":1618180681}



Loyal Member
I am trying to figure out why this isn't backing up my DB. It creates a _metadata.txt file in the data folder, but it does not backup the MySQL DB. I am still testing locally, but that shouldn't be an issue. Maybe I am doing something wrong? All I see inside the file is the following:
{"runtime":1618180681,"inactive":"1","directory":"C:\\wamp64\\www\\internal_data\\backups\\2021-04-11","mysql":{"database":"test","enable":"1","output":"single","shrink":"none","split":"0","options":"--single-transaction --verbose --default-character-set=utf8mb4"},"files":{"enable":"0","shrink":"none","split":"0","options":"--exclude='internal_data\/backups'"},"events":[[0,"EWRbackup_event_starting"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_closing_forum"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_starting_mysql"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_finishing_mysql"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_opening_forum"],[0,"EWRbackup_event_finishing"]],"endtime":1618180681}

This is just a theory..
But maybe its because by default the backup system is looking to export any backup job to either FTP, Dropbox, Amazon etc or to a folder on your server if the feilds are left blank..
I've only just started playing with this myself tbh.


Loyal Member
This is just a theory..
But maybe its because by default the backup system is looking to export any backup job to either FTP, Dropbox, Amazon etc or to a folder on your server if the feilds are left blank..
I've only just started playing with this myself tbh.
I'm not sure. It should work because I am using WAMP, which more or less mimics an actual server. It also gives the option to store the backup locally, so technically it should work. I really need to get my site live. Anyway, I did notice that the older version screenshots has an option for the DB name, but I am not sure. Hopefully @XenForo can shed some light on this.
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    database backup database backup xenforo download database backup nulled database backup xf2 [8wr] database backup xf2 [8wr] database backup
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