- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2
- Visible Branding
- No
Ovaj dodatak (addon) omogućuje napredne sigurnosne postavke za XenForo forume. Prevodimo sve relevantne fraze kako bismo osigurali da korisnici koji govore hrvatski jezik mogu potpuno razumjeti i koristiti sigurnosne značajke ovog dodatka. Fraze obuhvaćaju različite aspekte sigurnosnih postavki, uključujući provjeru autentičnosti, otkrivanje uređaja, administrativne promjene i praćenje aktivnosti korisnika. Cilj je osigurati da korisnici mogu jednostavno navigirati i upravljati sigurnosnim opcijama na svom jeziku.
Translation Description:
This addon provides advanced security settings for XenForo forums. We are translating all relevant phrases to ensure that Croatian-speaking users can fully understand and utilize the security features of this addon. The phrases cover various aspects of security settings, including authentication, device detection, administrative changes, and user activity tracking. The goal is to ensure that users can easily navigate and manage security options in their language.
Translation Description:
This addon provides advanced security settings for XenForo forums. We are translating all relevant phrases to ensure that Croatian-speaking users can fully understand and utilize the security features of this addon. The phrases cover various aspects of security settings, including authentication, device detection, administrative changes, and user activity tracking. The goal is to ensure that users can easily navigate and manage security options in their language.