s9e Media Sites

Add-ons s9e Media Sites 2.15.5

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This update contains small modifications to the lazy loader that shouldn't have any noticeable effect. You can keep reading if you're interested in the details.

This update makes use of contemporary JavaScript features to replace boilerplate code with native JavaScript features such as destructuring assignment and the spread syntax. It also adds some small efficiency improvements related to dynamically-sized embeds such as tweets. I do not expect those changes to be noticeable or produce undesirable side effects.

An upcoming update will feature some more fundamental changes intended to improve the experience of the most observant users as well as users with slow connections (e.g. mobile.) That upcoming update will have a greater potential to introduce unintended side-effects, and if that's the case it will be easier to diagnose them separately.

  • Facebook is being wishy-washy about reels so it's possible they won't work at times. Probably growing pains that'll disappear once the product matures.
  • This is a minor improvement to the lazy loader that only concerns dynamically-sized embeds such as tweets or Reddit posts.
  • The way dynamically-sized embeds work is that the content provider loads the embedded content then notifies the host page of the size it should be displayed as. This add-on usually acts as a middleman and caches this value for later viewings to reduce/eliminate Cumulative Layout Shift. Some content providers (most notably, 𝕏) are too eager to declare the size of their content, before their own images are fully loaded. This leads the add-on's lazy loader to create a placeholder of the correct size for the embedded content (e.g. tweet), then shrink it as the content provider incorrectly notifies that its content is smaller than expected, only to grow it back to the correct size once all content has loaded.
  • In this update, the lazy loader has been changed to provide a grace period before shrinking an embed. They still grow as soon as a new size has been determined, but they'll wait a little bit (5 seconds currently) before they shrink.
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