s9e Media Sites

Add-ons s9e Media Sites 2.15.7

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  • This is a minor improvement to the lazy loader that only concerns dynamically-sized embeds such as tweets or Reddit posts.
  • The way dynamically-sized embeds work is that the content provider loads the embedded content then notifies the host page of the size it should be displayed as. This add-on usually acts as a middleman and caches this value for later viewings to reduce/eliminate Cumulative Layout Shift. Some content providers (most notably, 𝕏) are too eager to declare the size of their content, before their own images are fully loaded. This leads the add-on's lazy loader to create a placeholder of the correct size for the embedded content (e.g. tweet), then shrink it as the content provider incorrectly notifies that its content is smaller than expected, only to grow it back to the correct size once all content has loaded.
  • In this update, the lazy loader has been changed to provide a grace period before shrinking an embed. They still grow as soon as a new size has been determined, but they'll wait a little bit (5 seconds currently) before they shrink.
  • You can now share Reddit URLs while being tracked. 🕵
  • Praise Spez.
  • (actually the tracking ID gets lost in the shuffle when the URL is resolved so it'll act like a regular URL)
  • This adds support for the new spotify.link short links as well as internationalized URLs.
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